Map 1:

i sold
Standard form(s): dhíol mé

Living dialect
Dead dialect (LASID)
Dead dialect (other sources)

Italic font indicates that only the choice of word is recorded, not a phonetic transcription.

Text size: 20Simplified view:
Map 1: i sold
Standard form(s): dhíol mé
Map 2: cattle
Standard form(s): beithí, eallach
Map 003a: cow
Standard form(s):
Map 003b: bulls
Standard form(s): tairbh
Map 4: tail
Standard form(s): eireaball
Map 5: castrating vn.
Standard form(s): coilleadh, spochadh, baint as
Map 6: slime as of cow in heat
Standard form(s): glothach, óirthí
Map 007a: bullock
Standard form(s): bullán, bulóg
Map 007b: calf
Standard form(s): lao, gamhain
Map 8: the cow is in heat
Standard form(s): faoi dháir, ar dáir
Map 009a: heifer
Standard form(s): seafaid, colann, budóg, bearach, colpach
Map 009b: thieving
Standard form(s): bradach
Map 010a: agut prep pron 2p sg
Standard form(s): agat
Map 010b: aca ocu prep pron 3p pl
Standard form(s): acu
Map 11: barking
Standard form(s): amhastrach, glafaireach, glamach, tafann
Map 12: chewing the cud
Standard form(s): ag cogaint na círe, athchogaint
Map 013a: horn of cow
Standard form(s): adharc
Map 013b: sick
Standard form(s): tinn, breoite
Map 14: tied
Standard form(s): ceangailte
Map 15: i shall tie
Standard form(s): ceanglóidh mé
Map 16: grazing
Standard form(s): ag iníor, ag innilt, ar féarach, ar coimín
Map 17: calling
Standard form(s): glaoch, scairteach
Map 18: teats of cow's udder
Standard form(s): siní, balláin
Map 19: milking
Standard form(s): crú, bleán
Map 20: new milk
Standard form(s): leamhnacht, bainne úr, bainne milis
Map 021a: churn
Standard form(s): meadar, muí, cuinneog
Map 021b: butter
Standard form(s): im
Map 22: churn-dash
Standard form(s): loine
Map 023a: vessel
Standard form(s): soitheach
Map 023b: choice
Standard form(s): rogha
Map 24: do you want
Standard form(s): an bhfuil ... uait, an dteastaíonn ... uait, an bhfuil ... de dhíth/dhíobháil ort?
Map 25: anything
Standard form(s): aon rud, faic, dada, aon cheo, rud ar bith, aon phioc, a dhath ar bith
Map 026a: sheep sg
Standard form(s): caora
Map 026b: lamb
Standard form(s): uan
Map 027a: ram
Standard form(s): reithe
Map 027b: sheep shears
Standard form(s): deimheas
Map 028a: astray
Standard form(s): amú
Map 028b: smothered v. adj.
Standard form(s): muchta, plúchta
Map 029a: goat
Standard form(s): gabhar
Map 029b: he-goat
Standard form(s): poc, pocán
Map 30: helping vn.
Standard form(s): tabhairt congna(i)mh congnamh cabhrú cuidiú
Map 31: boar
Standard form(s): collach
Map 32: suckling pigs
Standard form(s): bainbh banbhain
Map 33: rooting
Standard form(s): toch tochailt tachailt
Map 34: smallest pigling of a litter
Standard form(s):
Map 35: chickens
Standard form(s): sicini eanacha eireogai
Map 036a: plumage as of hens
Standard form(s): clumh clumhach cluimhreach
Map 036b: feathers
Standard form(s): cleiti cleiteacha cleitiuchai
Map 037a: [the fox] killed
Standard form(s): mharbh [an sionnach]
Map 037b: he will kill
Standard form(s): marbho se muirbhfidh se
Map 38: at the gate
Standard form(s): aig an ngeata gheata gheafta
Map 39: more
Standard form(s): tuilleamh a thuilleamh
Map 40: dozen
Standard form(s):
Map 41: cock
Standard form(s): coileach
Map 42: fox
Standard form(s): madra ruadh sionnach seannach madadh ruadh
Map 43: wings
Standard form(s): sciathain eiteogai
Map 44: geese
Standard form(s): geana geabhai geacha
Map 045a: egg (sg.)
Standard form(s): obh ubh uibh
Map 045b: egg (gen. sg.)
Standard form(s): uibh uibhe
Map 045c: eggs (pl.)
Standard form(s): uibh uibheacha uibheachai
Map 46: a soft egg
Standard form(s): bogan bogog
Map 47: [he is] as cute [as a fox]
Standard form(s): chomh gasta glic
Map 48: duck
Standard form(s): lacha tonnog
Map 49: bee
Standard form(s): beach meach beachog seillean
Map 50: we bought
Standard form(s): cheanuigheamuir cheannuigh muid sinn
Map 51: i shall buy
Standard form(s): ceanno me ceannod ceannochaidh me
Map 052a: horse
Standard form(s): capall, gearán, beathach, each
Map 052b: mare
Standard form(s): láir, capall
Map 053a: foal (sg.)
Standard form(s): searrach
Map 053b: foals (pl.)
Standard form(s): searraigh
Map 54: mane (of the horse)
Standard form(s): moing
Map 55: running
Standard form(s): rith
Map 56: dog
Standard form(s): madra, gadhar
Map 57: horse shoes
Standard form(s): crúite
Map 58: pannier-baskets
Standard form(s): pardóga, feadhnaigh
Map 59: shooting
Standard form(s): lámhach, caitheamh, loscadh, scaoileadh
Map 60: rubbing
Standard form(s): cuimilt
Map 61: sewing vn.
Standard form(s): fuáil
Map 62: thimble
Standard form(s): méaracán
Map 63: slippery
Standard form(s): sleamhain
Map 64: knitting
Standard form(s): cniotáil
Map 65: digging
Standard form(s): rómhar
Map 066a: hole sg.
Standard form(s): poll toll
Map 066b: holes pl.
Standard form(s): poill
Map 67: knitting needle
Standard form(s): biorán dealgán
Map 68: at all
Standard form(s): a chuige ar/in aon chur ar chor ar bith eidir
Map 69: spinning-wheel
Standard form(s): túirne
Map 70: tongue
Standard form(s): teanga
Map 71: soap
Standard form(s): gallúnach gallaoireach sópa
Map 72: cabbage
Standard form(s): cabáiste, cál
Map 73: he thinks [that i am a fool]
Standard form(s): is dóigh leis, síleann sé, tá sé ag déanamh/meas, ceapann sé
Map 74: fart
Standard form(s): broim
Map 75: floor
Standard form(s): urlár
Map 076a: bread
Standard form(s): arán
Map 076b: loaf
Standard form(s): bulóg
Map 77: [he] was found
Standard form(s): builín
Map 078a: pot
Standard form(s): corcán, pota
Map 078b: new
Standard form(s): nua, úr
Map 79: dreaming vn
Standard form(s): taibheamh, brionglóidí, aisling
Map 80: on the road
Standard form(s): ar an mbóthar, ar an bhealach mhór
Map 081a: light
Standard form(s): éadrom
Map 081b: heavy
Standard form(s): trom
Map 82: we get 1 pl. pres.
Standard form(s): faighimid, faigheann muid
Map 83: dirty
Standard form(s): salach, brocach
Map 84: suit of clothes
Standard form(s): culaith
Map 85: also
Standard form(s): chomh maith, leis, freisin, fosta
Map 86: you will get
Standard form(s): gheobhaidh tú
Map 87: sleeve
Standard form(s): muinchille
Map 88: food
Standard form(s): bia, beatha
Map 89: scarce
Standard form(s): gann
Map 90: too much
Standard form(s): an iomarca, an iomad, barraíocht
Map 91: did you eat? [i did not eat]
Standard form(s): ar ith tú
Map 92: your fill
Standard form(s): do dhóthain, do sháith
Map 93: pennies
Standard form(s): pingne
Map 94: something
Standard form(s): rud éigin
Map 95: earning vn
Standard form(s): tuilleamh, saothrú, cosnamh
Map 96: half-crown
Standard form(s): leathchoróin
Map 97: empty
Standard form(s): folamh
Map 98: sugar
Standard form(s): siúcra
Map 99: porridge
Standard form(s): praiseach, brochán
Map 100: much
Standard form(s): mórán
Map 101: brother
Standard form(s): deartháir
Map 102: (give me something) to eat
Standard form(s): le hithe
Map 103: sister
Standard form(s): deirfiúr
Map 104: game
Standard form(s): cluiche
Map 105: daughter
Standard form(s): iníon
Map 106: grandmother
Standard form(s): seanmháthair, máthair mhór
Map 107: people (of ireland)
Standard form(s): muintir, bunadh
Map 108: ten (people)
Standard form(s): deichniúr
Map 109: deep
Standard form(s): domhain
Map 110a: woman
Standard form(s): mná
Map 110b: talking
Standard form(s): caint
Map 111: many an (irishman went to america)
Standard form(s): is iomaí
Map 112: harm
Standard form(s): díobháil, anachain, dochar
Map 113: england
Standard form(s): Sasana
Map 114: irish
Standard form(s): Gaeilge
Map 115: complaining
Standard form(s): gearán, casaoid, éagaoin
Map 116: neck
Standard form(s): muineál
Map 117a: face
Standard form(s): aghaidh, éadan
Map 117b: forehead
Standard form(s): éadan, baithis
Map 118: did you hear?
Standard form(s): ar chuala tú?
Map 119: hearing
Standard form(s): chloisteáil
Map 120a: head gen. sg.
Standard form(s): cinn
Map 120b: head nom. sg.
Standard form(s): ceann
Map 121: before i go
Standard form(s): sula dtéim
Map 122a: deaf
Standard form(s): bodhar
Map 122b: glass
Standard form(s): gloine
Map 123: i shall see
Standard form(s): feicfidh mé
Map 124: blind
Standard form(s): caoch, dall
Map 125: seeing
Standard form(s): fheiceáil
Map 126: looking
Standard form(s): féachaint, breathnú, amharc
Map 127: sight
Standard form(s): radharc, amharc
Map 128: snoring
Standard form(s): srannadh
Map 129: fool
Standard form(s): amadán
Map 130: toothache
Standard form(s): tinneas fiacal, doigheacha fiacal, d
Map 131: did you feel, do you feel
Standard form(s): ar airigh tu a mbrathann tu ar mhoithigh tu
Map 132a: bones pl.
Standard form(s): cnámha
Map 132b: back
Standard form(s): drom droim
Map 133: hip(s)
Standard form(s): croman gorrun corrog
Map 134: thumb
Standard form(s): ordog
Map 135: barefooted
Standard form(s): cosnochtuighthe coslomnochta costarnocht
Map 136: finger-nails pl.
Standard form(s): ingne
Map 137: we (i) shall wash
Standard form(s): nighfimíd nighfidh muid mé
Map 138: throat
Standard form(s): scórnach sceadamán
Map 139: liver
Standard form(s): ae cruadh-ae
Map 140: lungs
Standard form(s): scamhog scartacha scamháin
Map 141: bed
Standard form(s): leabaidh
Map 142: what is on your mind?
Standard form(s): ca tá ar t-aigne goidé atá ar dintinn
Map 143: hunkers
Standard form(s): corragiob
Map 144: closing vn.
Standard form(s): dúnadh druid
Map 145: sore
Standard form(s): tinn frithir neimhneach
Map 146: open v adj.
Standard form(s): foscailte
Map 147a: house sg
Standard form(s): tigh teach toigh
Map 147b: houses pl
Standard form(s): tighthe toighthe
Map 148: lying vn.
Standard form(s): luighe
Map 149: gable
Standard form(s): pinniúir binn
Map 150: walls
Standard form(s): falaí ballaí
Map 151: windows pl
Standard form(s): fuinneógaí
Map 152: (i was) awake
Standard form(s): (bhíos) m dhúiseacht (bhí) muscailte
Map 153: chairs pl
Standard form(s): cathaoracha
Map 154: numbness, pins and needles
Standard form(s): (codladh) grífín
Map 155: i shall sit 1 sg. fut.
Standard form(s): suidhfead suidhfidh mé
Map 156: table
Standard form(s): bord clár tábla
Map 157: (it is likely) that he will not come
Standard form(s): (is dóiche) ná tiocfaidh sé nach dtiocfaidh
Map 158: rest yourselves 2 pl.
Standard form(s): (leigidh) bhur scíth scríste
Map 159: heather
Standard form(s): fraoch
Map 160a: loft
Standard form(s): luchta luta lofta
Map 160b: smoke
Standard form(s): deatach toit
Map 161: a fetter between fore and hind feet
Standard form(s): langaide laincis
Map 162: wedge
Standard form(s): ding ging
Map 163: mistake, forgetting
Standard form(s): dearmad
Map 164: fire gen sg.
Standard form(s): teine teineadh
Map 165a: spoon
Standard form(s): spúnóg
Map 165b: knife
Standard form(s): scian scein
Map 166: tongs
Standard form(s): tlé ursal maide briste tangas
Map 167a: sods pl.
Standard form(s): fóid fóide
Map 167b: turf gen. sg.
Standard form(s): móna mónadh
Map 168: chimney
Standard form(s): simné simléir simleóid
Map 169: yet
Standard form(s): fós go fóill go seadh
Map 170: a fragment of dry turf
Standard form(s): caorán
Map 171: plough
Standard form(s): céachta seisreach
Map 172: only for (him we would all have been drowned)
Standard form(s): maireach mara mbéadh ach go bé
Map 173a: grass
Standard form(s): féar
Map 173b: load, burden
Standard form(s): ualach, ultach
Map 174: footing
Standard form(s): cnuchairt gróigeadh
Map 175: for (water)
Standard form(s): le haghaidh chun i gcóir fa choinne
Map 176a: timber
Standard form(s): adhmad
Map 176b: ploughing vn
Standard form(s): treabhadh
Map 177a: to sharpen
Standard form(s): faobhar (a chur)
Map 177b: reaping-hook
Standard form(s): corrán
Map 178: turned v. adj.
Standard form(s): iontoighthe iompoighthe tiontoighthe
Map 179: turn around ipv. sg.
Standard form(s): iompuigh thímpeal thart
Map 180a: garden
Standard form(s): garraí, gairdín
Map 180b: potatoes pl.
Standard form(s): prátaí
Map 181a: spade
Standard form(s): rámhan láighe spád
Map 181b: boiled v. adj.
Standard form(s): beirbhthe bruithte
Map 182a: seed
Standard form(s): síol, pór
Map 182b: potato slits
Standard form(s): scealláin
Map 183a: plentiful
Standard form(s): fairsing
Map 183b: ripe
Standard form(s): aibí
Map 184: wheat
Standard form(s): cruithneacht
Map 185: sheafs
Standard form(s): punnanna pionnainneacha sopógaí
Map 186: potato sprouts
Standard form(s): péaca péacáin bachlógaí
Map 187a: threshing vn.
Standard form(s): bualadh
Map 187b: handle of a flail
Standard form(s): colpán lámhchrann
Map 188: visiting at night
Standard form(s): bothántaigheacht cuartuigheacht áirnéal céilidhe
Map 189: barn
Standard form(s): scioból
Map 190: singing vn.
Standard form(s): (a)g amhrán gabháil amhrán fhinn cheóil ceól
Map 191a: lent
Standard form(s): carghas corghas
Map 191b: dance
Standard form(s): rince, damhsa
Map 192: (they) will be married
Standard form(s): pósfar (iad)
Map 193a: (he) will be buried
Standard form(s): cuirfear
Map 193b: coffin
Standard form(s): cómhra comhnair
Map 194a: smith
Standard form(s): gabha
Map 194b: anvil
Standard form(s): inneóin inneóir
Map 195: melting vn.
Standard form(s): leaghadh
Map 196a: wake
Standard form(s): `tórramh, faire
Map 196b: funeral
Standard form(s): sochraid, tórramh
Map 197: when will you go (home)?
Standard form(s): cathain a/cá fhad go/cén uair a rachaidh tú (abhaile)
Map 198: (people) did not go
Standard form(s): ní dheachaigh (na daoine)
Map 199a: scholars pl.
Standard form(s): scoláirí
Map 199b: rich
Standard form(s): saibhir
Map 200: a young girl
Standard form(s): gearrchaile, girseach
Map 201: hard
Standard form(s): crua
Map 202: everybody knows
Standard form(s): [tá a fhios] ag gach aon/uile duine
Map 203: chapel
Standard form(s): séipéal, teach an phobail
Map 204: it was said
Standard form(s): dúradh
Map 205: fortnight
Standard form(s): coicís
Map 206a: saying vn.
Standard form(s):
Map 206b: devil
Standard form(s): diabhal
Map 207: palm sunday
Standard form(s): Domhnach na Pailme/an Iúir/na Slat
Map 208: flea sg. or pl.
Standard form(s): dreancaid, pl. dreancaidí
Map 209a: ant sg. pl.
Standard form(s): seangán, pl. seangáin
Map 209b: moth sg. pl.
Standard form(s): leamhan, pl. leamhain
Map 210: maggots pl.
Standard form(s): cruimheanna, crumhóga
Map 211: mice
Standard form(s): lucha, luchóga
Map 212: butterfly
Standard form(s): féileacán
Map 213: hare
Standard form(s): giorria
Map 214: curlew
Standard form(s): cuirliún, crotach
Map 215a: pigeon
Standard form(s): colúr, colm, colmán
Map 215b: hawk
Standard form(s): seabhac
Map 216: snails pl.
Standard form(s): seilchidí
Map 217: seagull
Standard form(s): faoileann faoileán faoileóg
Map 218: crane
Standard form(s): corr
Map 219: thunder
Standard form(s): toirneach
Map 220: snipe
Standard form(s): naoscach naosc naoscán naoscann
Map 221: it is raining
Standard form(s): tá sé a fearthainn tá sé a báisteach a cur
Map 222: shelter
Standard form(s): fuithin foscadh
Map 223a: shower
Standard form(s): cioth múr
Map 223b: wind
Standard form(s): gaoth
Map 224: rainbow
Standard form(s): bogha ceatha leaghtha tuagh cheatha
Map 225: gone
Standard form(s): imthighthe ar siubhal
Map 226: quickly
Standard form(s): mear tapidh gasta
Map 227: fatter
Standard form(s): níos raimhe raimhre ramha
Map 228a: dew
Standard form(s): drúcht drúchta driúchta
Map 228b: moon
Standard form(s): ré gealach éasca
Map 229: stars
Standard form(s): réilthíní réalta réaltaí réaltógaí
Map 230: shining
Standard form(s): taitneamh scaladh spalpadh scartadh soillsiu
Map 231a: of the summer
Standard form(s): tsamhraidh
Map 231b: winter
Standard form(s): geimhreadh
Map 232: rising
Standard form(s): éirí
Map 233a: quarter of a year
Standard form(s): ráitha
Map 233b: spring
Standard form(s): earrach
Map 234: minutes
Standard form(s): nóiméad
Map 235: (ten minutes) past
Standard form(s): tar éis, i ndiaidh
Map 236: april
Standard form(s): Aibreán
Map 237: late
Standard form(s): déanach, deireanach, mall
Map 238: waiting
Standard form(s): fanacht, fuireach, feitheamh
Map 239: (i am middling)
Standard form(s): cuibheasach, (go) réasúnta, go measartha
Map 240: (i) know (him) well
Standard form(s): (tá) aithne mhaith (agam) air, aithním é
Map 241a: (he) made
Standard form(s): rinne (sé)
Map 241b: coming v.n.
Standard form(s): teacht
Map 242: why did you not come?
Standard form(s): cad ina thaobh/cad chuige nár tháinig tú?
Map 243a: (he) comes
Standard form(s): tagann sé
Map 243b: (wait till he) comes!
Standard form(s): fan go dtiocfaidh sé
Map 244: how are you?
Standard form(s): conas atá tú?, cén chaoi a bhfuil tú?, cad é mar atá tú?
Map 245a: hill, mountain
Standard form(s): cnoc
Map 245b: boundary
Standard form(s): teorainn, críoch
Map 246a: there
Standard form(s): ansiúd
Map 246b: under me
Standard form(s): fúm
Map 247: hurry (i am in a)
Standard form(s): (tá) deithneas deabhadh deifir práinn deifre (orm)
Map 248a: wood
Standard form(s): coill
Map 248b: trees pl.
Standard form(s): crainn
Map 249: nettle
Standard form(s): neanntóg, cál faiche
Map 250: he is afraid of me
Standard form(s): tá eagla/faitíos air romham
Map 251: before them
Standard form(s): rompu
Map 252: short cut
Standard form(s): cóngar, aicearra
Map 253: (the shoes) do not fit (me)
Standard form(s): ní oireann/fheileann/fhóireann/fhreagrann
Map 254: doing, making vn
Standard form(s): déanamh
Map 255: tired
Standard form(s): tuirseach, cortha
Map 256: (he) makes
Standard form(s): déanann (sé)
Map 257a: book
Standard form(s): leabhar
Map 257b: poteen
Standard form(s): poitín
Map 258a: (wait till) i am (at home)
Standard form(s): (fan) go mbeidh mé
Map 258b: (he) was caught
Standard form(s): rugadh/beireadh (air), ceapadh/gabhadh (é)
Map 259a: surprise
Standard form(s): iontas, ionadh
Map 259b: to them
Standard form(s): dóibh
Map 260: lazy
Standard form(s): leisciúil, falsa
Map 261: tide
Standard form(s): taoide, lán mara, seal mara
Map 262: very busy
Standard form(s): an-ghnóthach
Map 263: limekiln
Standard form(s): áith aoil tornóg teine aoil
Map 264: change (on the moon)
Standard form(s): athrú (ar an ngealach)
Map 265: sword
Standard form(s): claíomh
Map 266a: strand
Standard form(s): trá
Map 266b: brink
Standard form(s): bruach
Map 267: cliffs
Standard form(s): aillte, beanna
Map 268: smell
Standard form(s): boladh
Map 269a: seaweed
Standard form(s): troscar feamnach feamainn loch múrach leathach
Map 269b: searods
Standard form(s): feamnaigh slata mara budógaí
Map 270a: valley
Standard form(s): gleann
Map 270b: boats
Standard form(s): báid
Map 271: periwinkles
Standard form(s): priacháin miongáin faochain faochógaí
Map 272: oars
Standard form(s): maidí rámha
Map 273a: fishing nets
Standard form(s): líonta, eangacha
Map 273b: (the nets are) entangled
Standard form(s): (tá na líonta) in achrann in aimhréidh fríd a chéile
Map 274a: counting vn
Standard form(s): comhaireamh cunntas
Map 274b: dividing vn
Standard form(s): roinnt rann
Map 275a: fishing-lines
Standard form(s): doruighthe druighte doragaí dairig
Map 275b: frame of fishing-line
Standard form(s): glionnda crannóg
Map 276: gills of a fish
Standard form(s): sceólbhach geólbhach gáilleach
Map 277: hook
Standard form(s): dubhán
Map 278: folding vn
Standard form(s): filleadh tilleadh pilleadh
Map 279: (he has) no patience
Standard form(s): aon fhoidhne fhoighid foighide ar bith
Map 280a: bridge
Standard form(s): droichead
Map 280b: river
Standard form(s): abhainn abha
Map 281: (they) were killed
Standard form(s): marbhuigheadh marbhadh (iad)
Map 282: (you) will be drowned
Standard form(s): báidhfear báidhfidhear (tú)
Map 283: mackerel
Standard form(s): macrael runnach murlas
Map 284a: herring
Standard form(s): scadán
Map 284b: salmon
Standard form(s): bradán
Map 285: i did not notice him
Standard form(s): níor thugas/níor thug mé/cha dtug mé fé ndeara/faoi near/fa dear é
Map 286a: measuring vn
Standard form(s): tomhas
Map 286b: trade
Standard form(s): ceird
Map 287: dogfish
Standard form(s): fíogach
Map 288: the fur of a donkey
Standard form(s): clúmh, fionnadh
Map 289a: rushes
Standard form(s): luachair feadha
Map 289b: suspicion
Standard form(s): amhras
Map 290: i met him (on the road)
Standard form(s): casadh dom (ar an mbóthar) é
Map 291: (maybe) we would not meet each other (again)
Standard form(s): (bfhéidir) nách gcasfaoi ar a chéile muid
Map 292a: forty
Standard form(s): dathad deichead
Map 292b: shillings
Standard form(s): scillingí
Map 293: i heard what you said
Standard form(s): chuala mé cad (é)/céard a dúirt tú
Map 294: if you went
Standard form(s): dá rachfá
Map 295a: show me (the house)
Standard form(s): taispeáin (an teach etc) dom
Map 295b: nits
Standard form(s): sneá
Map 296: he used to come
Standard form(s): thagadh sé, ba ghnách leis a theacht
Map 297: we will wash ourselves
Standard form(s): nífidh muid/nífimid sinn/muid féin
Map 298: he died suddenly
Standard form(s): fuair sé bás tobann, cailleadh go tobann é
Map 299: whatever you will give me
Standard form(s): coinleach
Map 300a: stubble
Standard form(s): caonach
Map 300b: moss
Standard form(s):